May Allah (swt) bless and reward everyone who collaborated in the production of this work:
Sponsors and Directors
Consultants for Islamic School Excellence (CISE)
Educational Professional Team
Dr. Fawzia Mai Tung, Project Manager
Salma Wahdy, Lead Content Developer
Omaira Alam, Content Developer
Dr. Nada Wafa, Content Developer
Qadri Tung, Content Developer
Bethsaida Garrido Jimenez, Content Developer
Consultation and Review
Dr. Abdalla Idris
Religious & Educational Review
Dr. Susan Douglass
Educational and Content Review
Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Religious Review
Dr. Shaza Khan, Executive Director, ISLA (Islamic Schools League of America)
Educational Review
Sufia Azmat, Executive Director, CISNA (Council of Islamic Schools based in North America)
Educational Review
Dr. Souheil Zekri
Educational Review
Magda Elkadi
Educational Review
Hussam Ayloush, Executive Director, California and Greater Los Angeles, CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations)
Public Relations Aspect
Tawfiq J. Morrar, The Morrar Law Office
Graphic Design
Mais Quqa, Creative Director, Quqa LL
Arabic Content Translation
Mohammad Badawy
For permission to use their material, Many thanks to
“Al-’Aalam fi Madinah” (The World in a City). Multaqa AlQuds al-Thaqafi, (Jerusalem Cultural Forum). 2018
“Al-Madkhal ila Dirasat Bayt al-Maqdis” (Introduction to Jerusalem Studies). Omar, Abdallah Marouf. Amman: Mu’assasat al-Fursan. 2017