How to Use
Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa: Mirror to The World
How to schedule the modules
If the teacher chooses to teach all six modules, they may be taught one per year (grades 7-12), or all in one year, or any other combination, at the teacher’s discretion. Each module has been designed to be taught over one to two weeks, either within the scope of Islamic Studies or Social Studies.
Each module may be taught in a minimum of four (4) 50-minute periods, and a maximum of 10 periods.
How to plan instruction
The teacher first decides how many total number of periods are available for the unit to be taught.
Each module will require a minimum of four class periods, and a flexible maximum of 6-10 periods.
Each module (Unit) has a content divided into four core lessons. The teacher is provided with a lesson plan, a set of presentation slides for classroom instruction, and the resources needed for each lesson.
There is also a selection of extension lessons, each requiring a variable number of periods. Depending on the amount of time available, the teacher may select one or more of these lessons to teach in addition to the four core lessons.
An assessment is included, in case the teacher wishes to test the students on the content learned.
Notes on content
Transliteration: The transliteration of Arabic terms is aligned with the ALA/LA guidelines (available in the packet) except for generally accepted spellings such as: Suleiman the Magnificent.
Names and commonly used Arabic terms will generally be given in Arabic transliteration followed by the English equivalent in parentheses at the first mention, except for widely accepted names such as Jerusalem.
The plural of commonly used Islamic terms in the text follows the Arabic plural. For example: the plural of masjid is masajid; the plural of hadith is ahadith.
Units of measurements:
Imperial units commonly used in the United States are used here.
Where possible, metric units have been given in parentheses.
For the surface area of Masjid al-Aqsa:
144 dunums
Or 35.6 acres
Or 144,000 square meters
Or the equivalent of 19 average-sized soccer fields
ra: radiallahu ‘anhu
saw: sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
pbuh: peace be upon him
swt: subhanahu wa ta’lah